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Voting & Elections 12.29.2020

A week before the Nov. 3 election, state officials urged voters not to risk a late arrival of their ballot through the mail and instead to return it in person.

“It was a great celebration and people responded as a result,” said Khalif Ali, executive director at Common Cause Pennsylvania, a watchdog and voting rights group. Ali attended one of the events next to a Pittsburgh satellite office in October.

Voting & Elections 12.9.2020

While some legislators have promised to honor the law and not interfere with the will of Pennsylvania voters, others have insisted on resisting democracy.

Here in the commonwealth, we pick our leaders. Our leaders do not pick and choose which voices to listen to and which ones to silence. We have spoken. We’ve elected our next president.

Voting & Elections 04.2.2020

Pennsylvania is set to receive more than $14 million in grants from the federal government in the coming weeks to spend on the 2020 elections

Suzanne Almeida, interim director of the voting accessibility advocacy group Common Cause Pennsylvania, said she supports, “in principle,” the sending of mail-in ballot applications to all eligible voters in the state, but wants to make sure it’s accessible to all voters — including those with visual disabilities who would need to vote on a ballot marking device, for example.

Voting & Elections 03.30.2020

Pennsylvania voters will now go to the polls on June 2 to pick their Republican or Democratic nominee for president as well as choices for congressional and a number of state offices.

“Rescheduling a primary election is not a decision that is made lightly, but moving this election now prevents us from having to implement last minute changes, which can disenfranchise voters,” a statement from Common Cause said. “We witnessed last week’s confusion in Ohio, when its government cancelled an election at the last minute. We don’t want that in Pennsylvania.”

Money & Influence 01.6.2020

Pittsburgh’s decade-long effort to limit the influence of money in city politics now faces both a court challenge and complaints from some candidates that it threatens to stifle democracy.

“Pittsburgh and other cities, and counties, need to be more forward and be more aggressive at setting up their own campaign finance laws,” said Micah Sims, executive director of Common Cause Pennsylvania, a nonpartisan government accountability group.

Voting & Elections 12.2.2019

Pennsylvania is implementing the biggest changes to its electoral system in decades, including an expansion of absentee ballot access, easier voter registration, the elimination of straight-party voting, and tens of millions of dollars for new voting machines.

“It’s been 80 years since we’ve done something like this,” said Micah Sims, head of the Pennsylvania branch of the good-government group Common Cause. “We can’t allow one particular entity to do it all by themselves. We have to work together.”

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