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When leaders of Pennsylvania’s legislature convene in the next few months to draw the state’s new Congressional maps, they will hold a series of public hearings and solicit input from the public using a new website, Republican lawmakers said Monday.

“We look forward to working with members of both parties — and, most importantly, Black, Latinx, Asian/Pacific Islander, Indigenous, and other communities of color who have historically been left out of the redistricting process — to ensure that everyone in Pennsylvania has an equal opportunity to be represented by someone who shares their values and lived experience,” Executive Director Khalif Ali said. “As part of that work, we will be supporting communities in presenting testimony and drawing maps that allow them to tell their story.”

Pennsylvania’s top lawmakers are set to redraw maps for state House and Senate districts, with the help of one other person.

Khalif Ali, Executive Director of Common Cause PA says many are hopeful they pick someone who brings balance. “A person who is impartial, who can leave the politics at home, and really decide on a fair map that represents the people of Pennsylvania,” Ali said.

Voting & Elections 03.10.2021

The House of Representatives passed a major voting rights bill last week, H.R.1, aimed at safeguarding ballot access.

Meanwhile, there are battles in many statehouses over voting with GOP bills limiting ballot access and bills written by Democrats expanding access.

Voting & Elections 12.2.2019

Pennsylvania is implementing the biggest changes to its electoral system in decades, including an expansion of absentee ballot access, easier voter registration, the elimination of straight-party voting, and tens of millions of dollars for new voting machines.

“It’s been 80 years since we’ve done something like this,” said Micah Sims, head of the Pennsylvania branch of the good-government group Common Cause. “We can’t allow one particular entity to do it all by themselves. We have to work together.”

This Week in Pennsylvania – September 1

Our Executive Director, Micah Sims, was a guest on ABC27's This Week in Pennsylvania. On the program, he spoke about everything from census funding to election protection and more!

Political groups around Pennsylvania are working to figure out what the state Supreme Court’s new congressional map will mean for their agendas.

Common Cause Pennsylvania's Executive Director Micah Sims said his organization, and the NAACP, are currently considering whether to contest the map on the grounds it might violate the Voting Rights Act.

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