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Voting & Elections 03.21.2018

Education Toolkit to Mapping

Take a look at this toolkit that illustrates the consequences of meeting the letter of the law on the various criteria for a map.

Voting & Elections 06.25.2024

The Truth About Voter List Maintenance

Another election conspiracy has made its way to Pennsylvania mere months before a major election. Neither the tactic nor the people using it are new.

Voting & Elections 06.3.2024

Noncitizen Voting is (Already) Illegal in Pennsylvania

Only citizens are allowed to vote in Pennsylvania elections, but that hasn’t stopped Republicans from pushing unsubstantiated claims about noncitizen voting.

Voting & Elections 01.22.2024

Legislative Priorities for 2024

From preserving the right to cast a mail ballot to promoting ethics and accountability in government, we'll continue to fight for a government serves the people in the place where American democracy was created.

Voting & Elections 08.10.2023

Vote-by-Mail Under Attack: Act 77 Update

Here's an update on the attacks on voting by mail in Pennsylvania, and how we can improve access to our elections.

Supreme Court Case Puts Keystone Voters at Risk

"A decision in favor of the North Carolina legislature in Moore v. Harper would extinguish any opportunity we have to force the General Assembly to stop manipulating redistricting for political gain."

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