Common Cause WordPress Guide


Please excuse any errors, broken links or incomplete information. Any questions please contact Christina.

If you do not have a WordPress account, please contact Ashlee Keown to request access. Please send an email with the following information.

  1. Name
  2. Title
  3. Department: Common Cause “State”, Communications or  Program:Media & Democracy team
  4. Requesting Access to: ie. Common Cause National site

IMPORTANT: If you are new staff and your staff profile has not been posted yet, please fill out this form.


Who am I?

Below please select the appropriate training for your needs.

State Staff

This training is for Directors, campaigners, other staff, volunteers & Board Members at any Common Cause State Organization.

Program Staff

This training is for directors, managers of national program areas.

Communications Staff
WordPress Administrator

This training is for staff with Super Admin privileges with WordPress. You will need a password to access this page.

The Basics:


When creating any page on a website, it is very important to first identify, at least, one or a few keywords.

Keywords are ideas and topics that define what your content is about.  If you boil everything on your page — all the images, video, copy, etc. — down to simple words and phrases, those are your primary keywords.

As a content creator, you want the keywords on your page to be relevant to what people are searching for so they have a better chance of finding your content among the results.

The best practice is to focus each piece of content on a different keyword phrase, and never use the same keyword more than once. If you think you are using the same keywords for multiple pages, then consider if it is worth or possible to consolidate the pages.

For more on Keywords and best SEO Practices, check out this training:


Once your keywords are identified here are the key places where it makes sense to use keywords:

  1. in the page title
  2. in the deck text or sub-heading (optional)
  3. in your URL
  4. in the content

Page Titles

Your title tells people and search engines the topic of the webpage. For this reason, page titles should be as accurate and relevant to the page’s content as possible. When naming your page you should take into consideration how people will actually search for this page. Consider using specifics like a bill number, campaign name, and describe what is on the page while including the target keyword, and also triggering an emotion or thought from the reader.

 Here are some in examples:

Keyword: Campaign Finance Reform

  • Campaign Finance Reform in [Location] 
  • Demand Campaign Finance Reform 
  • Why Campaign Finance Reform matters in [location] more than ever.
  • The Impact of Campaign Finance Reform in Oregon 
  • George Washington to Citizens United: A History of Campaign Finance Reform in America

Keyword: Senate Bill 57

  • Put Senate Bill 57 on the ballot in Ohio
  • Why Senate Bill 57 needs to be on the Ohio ballot in November.
  • Why is Senate Bill 57 important?

Keyword: The People Not Politicians Campaign

  • Join The People Not Politicians Campaign
  • The People Not Politicians Campaign in [Location]
  • The People Not Politicians Campaign demands redistricting reform for Oregonians!


What is tagging and why do I need to do it?

One of the most difficult things to do, with large websites, is creating and maintaining a logical site structure. Tags help create that structure, allowing people to easily find posts that interest them. We have tags for campaigns, issue areas, or post type.

What post types should do I use tagging?

Tagging is required on press releases (media center), resources, clips, and Democracy Wire posts There are 3 types tags:  Issue, Campaign & Type you can find tags on the right panel of the page, underneath the publish section. Each tag section has a predetermined list of items you can choose from, you can select more than one.

How do I know if I am tagging properly?

You should stick with the most relevant tags, and think about where should this post show up. If the post is both related to redistricting and voting rights, then select both. I would not recommend selecting more than 3, though its totally your choice, your post will show under each tag you select. Choose wisely.

Type: Type tags are only available under resources. This will indicate to viewers what type of document they are selecting. Your options include coalition statement, fact sheet, legal filings, letter to government officials, multimedia, research and reports, and video. Only select one of the list options.

Issue: As you know, Common Cause work fits within 6 issue areas, they are all listed in this section. Select the appropriate issue related to your post. You may select up to two issues.

Campaign: Choose from the options listed, if you do not see your campaign listed you may add the campaign as long as it’s an official campaign title. You can select as many campaigns as needed, but do not tag a campaign without tagging the corresponding issue tag.

Make sure you are tagging the appropriate tags on all of your posts.

If there is a tag you feel is missing, please contact Christina for assistance.

Modules Explained

Modules are the building blocks that compose our posts.   We have different modules to add text, video, images, columns, grids etc.  Every module listed below can be used on almost every post type. You can add a module by clicking “add module” in the module section of the post, which is usually found after the Topper and Yoast SEO sections.  

When you are thinking about building your post, be sure to consider what is the best way to layout the content for your viewers. Check out the various modules we currently offer and the recommended way to use them on our WordPress site.

Full-Width Content Module

The full-width module is the go-to module for adding text content. This module allows you to type or copy & paste your text and style as needed.

Pro Tip: Especially when copying from Google Docs, Microsoft Word or emails try pasting into the text side of the module (instead of visual) to avoid formatting issues. You can always re-style your text on the visual side of the module once it’s in there. 

You are also able to use different headings styled in the Common Cause Font:

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6


Featured Content

Featured Content is the go-to module for adding images, video, or an image slider.

Photography and video should be aspirational to democracy and the work we do. When possible, images should focus on particular individuals with attention to inclusiveness and diversity. Closeup images highlight that Common Cause is about the people that make it happen. Rally and conference shots should clearly show Common Cause signage and branding when possible


Image:  1 Image; Dimensions:  1145 x 700 px
Image Slider: 2 or more images; Dimensions: 1145 x 700 px
Video: YouTube link (note your video must be on YouTube to add it to our WordPress site)

Full-Width Link

This module allows you to add a designed link in between paragraphs. An alternative to a hyperlink, the full-width link is great for breaking up wordy pages with a call to action.


Intro text/ CTA : 40 characters or less
Example: Take the Common Cause Action Survey!
Button text: 40 characters or less
Example: Learn More, Demand Accountability from Congress!, or Download the Report

Grid Template

This module is grid allows you to have max 3 columns and unlimited rows, making a cool display to link to other pages. Works well when you have links in multiples of three.


  • Headline & Description for the entire grid
  • Headline & description for each box
  • Internal or external link
  • Optional: Image 1145 x 700

Person Grid Template

This module works similar to the grid module but it features people. This has a maximum of 4 columns and an unlimited amount of rows.


  • Person’s Headshot 1145 x 700 (you should use the one from our staff directory if applicable)
  • Name
  • Position
  • Optional: Social Media– this includes email, telephone number, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and or LinkedIn
  • Optional: blurb/description


This module allows you to create columns, just like on any other platform.  Recommended as a nice visual way to break up small pieces of information, like comparing what’s happening in two different states. We can only break the content down into two columns.


Buttons are another alternative to hyperlinks. Often used in Resources to link to the report or fact sheet that should be downloaded.

Sign Up

Sign Up module is a great way to add an Action Network action to your page. You can easily add a petition to your post to get people to join our email list. (petition only)


Text/Image module allows you to pair images or video with text, similar to text wrapping in Microsoft Word. You can add an image or video to the left, right, above or below the text.

NEW Map Module

The map allows you to build an interactive map similar to the homepage. Now we can add them to internal pages and customize to highlight program work across the states. Great for showing NPV has passed in the following states!

NEW Action Network Action

This module is a great way to add any of your Action Network actions to your page. You can easily add a petition, an event, a form, and more.

UPDATED Action Network Donations

Action Network Donations allows visitors to donate directly on the page.

Working with our developers WideEye Creative, we are consistently updating and adding new modules to our site, so stay tuned for future updates. Here are live examples of how the modules can be used:

Creating Posts & Light boxes

The links below show you how you can

Creating a Campaign Page
Building Resources
Adding Press Release & Clips
Adding Democracy Wire Post
Alert Bars and Lightboxes

WordPress works best on Google Chrome & Firefox web browsers. 

Login here:

How to change your password:

Click: Howdy, [username]> edit my profile (in the top left corner)

Scroll down to the New Password section and click the Generate Password button.

If you want to change the automatically-generated password, overwrite it in a new password in the box provided. Then make sure you select update user.