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New report lays out vision for democracy reform in North Carolina

More than 20 experts from leading research and advocacy organizations proposed reform measures for North Carolina in a report titled "Blueprint for a Stronger Democracy." The report zeroes in on policy discussions around voting, redistricting, campaign finance reforms and judicial accountability.

What happens at legislature matters

For most people, 16 West Jones Street has a far less familiar ring than 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. But what happens inside the Legislative Building on Jones Street in Raleigh is just as critical to the lives of North Carolinians as what goes on in the White House or on Capitol Hill.

Voting & Elections 04.29.2021

Lawmakers have the tools to safeguard voting rights and fair elections; all they need is the will

"We must not turn back the clock on voting rights," writes Bob Phillips of Common Cause NC. "Instead, let’s move forward, ensuring that every voter is able to fully participate in our elections. And when more people participate, our democracy wins."

Voting & Elections 04.27.2021

In NC, we need to protect everyone’s freedom to vote

Do we want to suppress voting, or do we want to promote voting? The answer should be easy – we want to protect everyone’s freedom to vote. Any politician who feels differently, who wants to stop people from voting, should take a long look at themselves and ask why they dread being held accountable by the people they are supposed to serve.

Population growth gives North Carolina a 14th US House seat

“In order to avoid illegal map-rigging, the redistricting process in 2021 must be transparent, nonpartisan and include robust public input – and be completely free from gerrymandering,” said Common Cause North Carolina Executive Director Bob Phillips.

Voting & Elections 04.13.2021

Lawmakers discuss the protection of NC voting rights

"When people participate in democracy, voters win. We want laws that make voting easier, not harder," said Bob Phillips of Common Cause NC.

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