Making Government Work

Our government should make decisions that further the public's interest. But recently, gridlock, hyper-partisanship, and out-of-date legislative process have hindered meaningful progress. We are fighting back.

Common Cause addresses a range of good government issues to ensure that public officials can their jobs. Over the years, we have worked to:

  • Reform the U.S. Senate to update its rules and curb abuse of the silent filibuster
  • Prevent government shutdowns over anti-democratic political agendas
  • Make sure voters have necessary information about budgets, spending, and the legislative process
  • Stop legislators from wrongly interfering with presidential and gubernatorial appointments to the executive and judicial branch
  • Ensure state legislatures have adequate time and funding to conduct the peoples’ business

Take Action

Stop Elon Musk’s Crime Spree


Stop Elon Musk’s Crime Spree

Elon Musk wants to strip our democracy for scraps and sell what's left to the highest bidder. We won’t let him. We won’t bend to kings, oligarchs, or unelected CEOs.

Call your Congressmember today and ask them what they're doing to stop Elon Musk's coup.
Join our network of New Yorkers for American Values


Join our network of New Yorkers for American Values

The years to come under the Trump administration will be fraught, but we don’t have to – and cannot – brave them alone. The way to gather strength is to gather with others – reaffirming our shared values in community.

That’s why we’re starting a new program – New Yorkers for American Values – to build a support system throughout the state of like-minded individuals who value a functioning representative democracy.

Your financial support helps us make an impact by holding power accountable and strengthening democracy.


Related Resources

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Host a January 20th Community Potluck for American Values

This year, January 20th is a day of conflicting emotions and values - Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday contrasts with the inauguration of a president whose administration threatens to undo the fabric of our democracy. In a time of fear and uncertainty, the way to gather strength is to gather with others, reaffirming our shared American values. We urge you to plan and host a potluck to build and fortify your community and bring like-minded folks together. Here’s a step-by-step guide to make planning your potluck.


News Clips

News Clip

News Clips

“I think we are headed in the right direction,” said Susan Lerner, executive director of the Common Cause-NY good-government group which has long supported opening the budget process more to rank-and-file legislators and the public. “They still don’t know how to do a legislative process.”


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