I Vote! MN 2024 here!

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We are seeing increasing amounts of misinformation and disinformation surrounding Minnesota’s upcoming elections. This election season we are more determined than ever to inoculate against these efforts to keep eligible voters from casting their ballots and having their voices heard.  In Minnesota, all votes count regardless of who they are cast for. Every voter should feel safe and prepared at the polls. I Vote! 2024 MN helps us make sure of that!

We already had our presidential primary on March 5th, early voting for our remaining primary begins on June 28th and primary election day is August 13th. Early voting for the November general election begins on September 20th, and election day is November 5th.

We must get out, vote, and ensure that we don’t allow misinformation, disinformation, and intimidation to prevail at the polls. Find your polling place, click here.  Check your voter registration click here.  Request your absentee ballot click here. 

Sign the Me+3 Pledge!

This election season not only do we want you to get out and vote, but we want you to encourage your family and friends to do the same.

 Taking the Me +3 GOTV (get out the vote) pledge means you commit to:

  • Registering to vote
  • Checking and updating your voter registration
  • Voting early in person or requesting your absentee ballot
  • Ask three people in your life to take the pledge

Get Involved!

Stay tuned for volunteer opportunities as they become available!

The right to vote and have our voices heard is fundamental to our democracy.

At a time when far too many Minnesotans are bombarded with false partisan narratives couched in disinformation meant to discourage voter turnout, confuse voters, and cause distrust in our elections, we need to rededicate ourselves to increasing participation among eligible voters. But over the past several years, we have seen a disturbing increase in the number and scope of attempts to suppress the votes of tens of thousands of American citizens, including right here in Minnesota – sometimes by illegal, intimidating practices.

What we do

Common Cause MN and our democracy partners are a crucial line of defense for voters against suppression tactics, confusing laws, outdated infrastructure, and other impediments to making themselves heard. Above all, we inform voters of their rights, help elections officials handle problems in real time, and notify legal teams when the courts’ interference is needed.

Join countless nonpartisan election protection volunteers…

Get more information on our election protection nonpartisan volunteering opportunities here.

Through our collective efforts, I Vote! MN 2024 will have trained nonpartisan poll monitors at polling places, especially in communities with a history of voting problems, where hotly-contested races exacerbate the chance of long lines, confusion, and other complications. Poll monitors will provide information, troubleshoot problems, and report bad practices to our teams to resolve them with election officials. This includes those working as roving polling place monitors ensuring accessibility and other legal requirements are being met by local election officials responsible for oversight of polling places. 

It’s this effort that facilitates our year-round work to advance strong voting reform: we note patterns or practices during the election, bring problems to the attention of elections officials and administrators, and work with them to arrive at common sense solutions together. With this “all hands on deck” approach, we advance improved elections systems.

Learn more about election protection nonpartisan volunteers here

 What is disinformation? 

Disinformation is content that is false (even if it contains some truth) and deliberately created to harm a person, social group, organization, or country. 

What is misinformation?

Misinformation is false information, but it is differentiated from disinformation by lacking an intent to harm any person, group, or organization.

Other Resources

Voting Toolkit 


Next Campaign

Voter Registration