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Maryland Community Redistricting Report Card
Communities of Interest Testimony Worksheet
Provides guidance and support so you can plan out what you would like to say to those empowered to draw districts.
Local Redistricting Checklist
Includes important benchmarks local decisionmakers should meet to establish an accessible and inclusive process. Wherever you are in the process, these resources are sure to meet all your diverse needs.
Redistricting FAQ
Answers questions you may have regarding the overall process and its procedures.
Letter of Support from National Voting in Prison Coalition on HB 627 & HB 1022
Campaigns in Maryland: Does it Still Cost a lot to Win?
Common Cause Maryland has analyzed legislative candidates’ fundraising totals from the 2018 election cycle. This report is a sequel to our report “Campaigns in Maryland: An Analysis of Fundraising by Winning State Legislators, 2011-2014.”
Fair Elections in Montgomery County
Montgomery County's matching program for small contributions delivers promising results. Our report analyzed fundraising data released after the first 2018 county election candidate reporting deadline.
Lobbying the Maryland Legislature
Lobbying expenditures grew by a staggering 40% among the top 10 paying employers. Report analyzing the lobbying activity during Maryland’s 2017 legislative session
Running for Baltimore
Donors appear to play by their own rules, either exploiting loopholes in Maryland’s campaign finance law — or violating it altogether. Research analyzes what candidates spent, where funds came from in 2016 Elections
Campaigns in Maryland: What Does It Take to Win?
Fundraising expectations for candidates are rising across the state of Maryland. Report analyzed legislative candidates’ fundraising totals from the 2014 election cycle
Pay to Play: Bail Bond Industry (2017)
Maryland ranks third among the states for campaign donations by the bail bond industry. Research found high rates of campaign contributions from the bail bond industry to influential Maryland officials.
Lobbying the Maryland Legislature (2016)
State Ethics Commission Post-Session Lobby Report Totals 2016 - Common Cause Maryland Analysis of Employers by Issue/Industry (2016)