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Senate President Ferguson and House Speaker Jones Announce “Legislative Redistricting Advisory Commission”

While the Senate President and the Speaker have announced plans to host twelve in-person and virtual town hall meetings, they have not stated whether the Commission will comply with Maryland’s Open Meeting Act or whether they will solicit, accept, and consider maps submitted by the public.

Common Cause Maryland and League of Women Voters of Maryland call on the Citizens Redistricting Commission to Hold Separate Public Meeting for Baltimore City

We appreciate the Commission's commitment to ensuring Maryland’s line-drawing process centers community input, but are concerned the Central Region grouping may suppress the voices of Baltimore City residents.

The League of Women Voters and Common Cause Support Transparency in Redistricting

The bill would ensure the public regular on-line access to governmental activities and timely notice of meetings, agendas, background materials, and minutes. LWVMD and CCMD are hopeful the Citizens Redistricting Commission that will be appointed by Governor Hogan will fall under the provisions of this legislation.

Common Cause Maryland Congratulates Keshia Morris Desir for her Appointment to Montgomery County Commission on Redistricting

The Montgomery County Council has named members of the County’s Commission on Redistricting, including Keshia Morris Desir, Census and Mass Incarceration Project Manager at Common Cause.

Governor Hogan Announces “Citizens Redistricting Commission”

“Marylanders deserve fair representation. We should be a leader on this issue, but the Maryland General Assembly failed to take action last session on bipartisan redistricting reform even as we prepared to draw new lines the following year. While we continue to urge the legislature to support legislation being introduced this session, we support the steps taken today. We look forward to working with Governor Hogan and the General Assembly to ensure the redistricting process is accessible, transparent, and centers input from the community.”

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