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50 State Report: Maryland Earns C for Redistricting from Common Cause

"We look forward to educating the public, and working in coalition to tame the gerrymander before our next redistricting cycle."

Anti-Gerrymandering Groups Call on Legislature to Hold Fair and Transparent Mapping Process after Congressional Map Struck Down by Court

Today, the Anne Arundel Circuit Court of Maryland struck down the Maryland Congressional map on the grounds that the map unfairly favored Democrats.

Voting & Elections 03.16.2022

Pending Legislation Could Smooth Change to New Primary Date

The Maryland General Assembly is considering legislation that would ensure State and local Boards of Elections are able to navigate changes being made to the primary election due to redistricting.

VICTORY: Federal Judge Orders Baltimore County to Submit Redistricting Plan that Complies with Voting Rights Act

BALTIMORE COUNTY, MD – In the federal court challenge to an illegal redistricting plan, brought by Black voters in Baltimore County and several civil rights organizations, Federal Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby granted a preliminary injunction blocking implementation of the County’s plan and ordering them to submit a new plan that complies with the Voting Rights Act by March 8.

Black Voters, Advocacy Groups Urge Federal Court to Block Baltimore County’s Unlawful Redistricting Plan

Late Wednesday, Black voters and civil rights organizations filed papers urging United Sates District Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby to issue an injunction overturning Baltimore County’s racially discriminatory redistricting plan and requiring the County to reconfigure its election system in compliance with the Voting Rights Act.

Black Voters, Baltimore County NAACP, League of Women Voters, and Common Cause Sue to Defend Voting Rights in Redistricting

“Throughout this year’s redistricting process, we and residents across Baltimore County called on Council members to follow the law and put the people above politics. Instead, they chose to ignore the law at the expense of free and fair elections. The county’s voting districts don’t belong to politicians, they belong to the people. The people, specifically Black voters, have a right to have a voice in choosing their representatives and should not have to live a decade under an illegal map.”

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