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PG County Voters Deserve an Accessible Special Election

"Transparency is vital, especially given the actions that have led to this special election."

More than 100 Maryland Organizations Call on the Senate to Maintain Virtual Access

On Monday February 14th, the Maryland Senate will end the public’s ability to provide remote virtual testimony during committee hearings. 

Advocates for Open Government call on Senate and House Leadership to ensure public access during the 2022 legislative session

Common Cause MD and other organizations are calling on both the Senate and House of Delegates to improve their COVID-19 public-access protocols - and to make them permanent.

“Sunshine Week” During COVID-19

Maryland’s confidence in our government is more important during a time of crisis than ever. Public officials must do everything in their power to maximize the ability of the public to continue observing and participating in government proceedings.

Join the movement over 1 million strong for democracy

Join us: Americans deserve open, honest, accountable government.