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Money & Influence 03.20.2021

Maryland Senate Updates and Funds Gubernatorial Public Financing Program

In a strong bipartisan vote (39-6), the Maryland State Senate has approved a bill to update and fund the state's small donor public financing program for gubernatorial candidates. Maryland’s current public financing system for the gubernatorial race was implemented in the 1970s.

Voting & Elections 02.2.2021

Voting Rights Advocates Announce Groundbreaking Legislation Expanding Ballot Access for Those ‘Behind The Walls’

SB224/HB222 seeks to enhance the voter awareness and mobilization efforts of eligible voters who are currently incarcerated, and those who were recently released, by providing for a mandated informational packet to be sent to eligible voters incarcerated during an election year while providing for those being released with a voter registration application and information detailing their right to vote upon release.

Common Cause Maryland Congratulates Keshia Morris Desir for her Appointment to Montgomery County Commission on Redistricting

The Montgomery County Council has named members of the County’s Commission on Redistricting, including Keshia Morris Desir, Census and Mass Incarceration Project Manager at Common Cause.

Common Cause Maryland calls for immediate resignation of Congressman Andy Harris

In the wake of Wednesday’s insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, Common Cause Maryland is calling for Congressman Andy Harris to immediately resign after he voted to overturn the will of the people, failed to accept the results of the 2020 presidential election, and played a clear role in spreading disinformation around the election, leading to the violence.

Money & Influence 10.30.2020

‘Yes’ for the Baltimore County Citizens’ Election Fund

Ballot Question A asks whether Baltimore County voters want to establish a Citizens' Election Fund, also known as a fair elections program, in the county. There are four main reasons to vote Yes for A: keep big money out of politics, expand opportunities to run for office, give everyone a voice, and encourage more participation in our democracy.

Money & Influence 10.8.2020

Grassroots Groups Launch Campaign to Support Question A for the Baltimore County Citizens’ Election Fund

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