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Money & Influence 04.12.2021

Maryland General Assembly Updates and Permanently Funds Gubernatorial Public Financing Program

Advocates called on Gov. Hogan to sign the bill, which they deem a monumental step forward to improve on the program and expand the funding to enable multiple candidates to participate. 

Money & Influence 03.30.2021

Common Cause Maryland and Maryland PIRG Applaud Baltimore County Action on the Fair Election Fund

Common Cause Maryland and Maryland PIRG look forward to serving on the Baltimore County Fair Election Work Group and providing support as they work to implement a new public financing program.

Money & Influence 03.20.2021

Maryland Senate Updates and Funds Gubernatorial Public Financing Program

In a strong bipartisan vote (39-6), the Maryland State Senate has approved a bill to update and fund the state's small donor public financing program for gubernatorial candidates. Maryland’s current public financing system for the gubernatorial race was implemented in the 1970s.

Money & Influence 11.4.2020

Grassroots Groups Celebrate Passage of Question A for the Baltimore County Citizens’ Election Fund

“The Citizens’ Election Fund can expand opportunities to run for office, so more women and people of color can compete for County Council and County Executive races,” explained Common Cause Maryland executive director Joanne Antoine. “We are thrilled that voters have supported Question A to help build a more reflective and representative government.”

Money & Influence 10.30.2020

‘Yes’ for the Baltimore County Citizens’ Election Fund

Ballot Question A asks whether Baltimore County voters want to establish a Citizens' Election Fund, also known as a fair elections program, in the county. There are four main reasons to vote Yes for A: keep big money out of politics, expand opportunities to run for office, give everyone a voice, and encourage more participation in our democracy.

Money & Influence 10.8.2020

Grassroots Groups Launch Campaign to Support Question A for the Baltimore County Citizens’ Election Fund

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