Page Titles

Your title tells people and search engines the topic of the webpage. For this reason, page titles should be as accurate and relevant to the page’s content as possible. When naming your page you should take into consideration how people will actually search for this page. Consider using specifics like a bill number, campaign name, and describe what is on the page while including the target keyword, and also triggering an emotion or thought from the reader.

Page Titles should be between 30 – 65 characters. Please keep all titles within these parameters!

 Here are some in examples:

Keyword: Campaign Finance Reform

Campaign Finance Reform in [Location] 

Demand Campaign Finance Reform 

Common Cause New York Demands Campaign Finance Reform 

Why Campaign Finance Reform matters in [location] more than ever.

The Impact of Campaign Finance Reform in Oregon 

George Washington to Citizens United: A History of Campaign Finance Reform in America

Keyword: Senate Bill 57

Put Senate Bill 57 on the ballot in Ohio

Why Senate Bill 57 needs to be on the Ohio ballot in November.

Why is Senate Bill 57 important?

Keyword: The People Not Politicians Campaign

Join The People Not Politicians Campaign

The People Not Politicians Campaign in [Location]

The People Not Politicians Campaign demands redistricting reform for Oregonians!