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Media Contact: Jennifer Garcia, jgarcia@commoncause.org, 727-717-2308

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MEDIA RELEASE: New Poll Finds Most Georgians Want Voting Maps that Reflect Diversity

New poll on redistricting shows Georgians want a non-partisan voting map process, and voting maps that reflect diversity.

Voting & Elections 09.6.2022

Five Members of Congress from Georgia Earned Top Scores from our 2022 Democracy Scorecard

There's growing support in Congress for democracy reform with a 70% increase in members with perfect scores on Common Cause's 2022 Democracy Scorecard.

Voting & Elections 07.20.2022

Common Cause Georgia Statement on Order for Rudy Giuliani to Testify in Georgia Criminal Investigation

This afternoon, a Georgia judge ordered Rudy Giuliani to testify in Atlanta next month in an ongoing criminal investigation into former President Donald Trump and his criminal co-conspirators' efforts to overturn the will of the voters in the 2020 presidential election.

Voting & Elections 06.21.2022

Statement of Common Cause Georgia on Jan. 6 Committee’s Focus on Attempts to Discount Georgia Voters

Georgia officials will testify in front of the January 6th committee today about pressure to illegally overturn the election.

Voting & Elections 06.20.2022

MEDIA RELEASE: Tuesday is Georgia’s Statewide Primary Runoff

Tuesday, June 21, is Georgia’s primary run-off election.

Voting & Elections 06.16.2022

Last Day of Early Voting for Georgia’s Primary Run-off Election

Friday, June 17, is the last day of early voting for Georgia's primary runoff election.

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