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Media Contact: Jennifer Garcia, jgarcia@commoncause.org, 727-717-2308

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Georgia Redistricting Alliance Calls for Transparency in Redistricting Process

Under a proposed amendment to Georgia's constitution, redistricting would be conducted by a nonpartisan, independent commission rather than by the state legislature.

Media & Democracy 01.18.2021

Common Cause Georgia Honors Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. King would remind us that “disfranchisement is the main instrument for perpetuating racial injustice.” The lines at Georgia’s polling places, back in June, showed the entire country that racial disparities in voting access are still real. Access was improved in the November and January elections, but some voters still faced barriers.

Clarkston, GA Votes to Join Lawsuit Challenging President Trump’s Order on Census Count

“Here in Clarkston we have people who come from diverse backgrounds and we already have enough challenges in getting everyone counted including language barriers – and we don't want another unconstitutional hindrance from counting every single resident of our City,” Clarkston Councilman Awet Eyasu said.

Common Cause Supports Redistricting Reform Bill

Sen. Elena Parent (D-Atlanta) unveiled SB 491, which provides transparency and accountability procedures for redistricting Georgia's General Assembly and congressional districts after the 2020 Census. Common Cause Georgia was one of several organizations that joined the press conference to support the measure.

Common Cause Georgia Begins Census and Redistricting Tour

This fall, Common Cause Georgia joins its partners in the Georgia Redistricting Alliance to tour across the state educating citizens on redistricting reform, Census rollout, and our new voting systems. “We know that there are a lot of questions around these issues and we hope our town halls can help answer some of those questions.”

Save Our Democracy Tour Barnstorms Georgia!

Common Cause GA and other democracy experts will make a lively "Save Our Democracy" presentation in 12 more locations throughout Georgia, covering Voting 101, voting system integrity, redistricting reform and election protection, followed by questions & answers and conversations with your neighbors about voting.

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