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U.S. Census Bureau Releases 2020 Census Demographic Data to Kick Off Georgia Redistricting 2021

Fair maps mean the politicians must work to earn every vote in every corner of the district because we the people get to choose our elected representatives, not the other way around.

Voting & Elections 07.17.2021

MONDAY 10am — US Senate Rules Committee to Hold Field Hearing in Atlanta

We’re glad that the Senate Rules Committee is getting back out in the field, and meeting Americans where we are. Things look a lot different when viewed from Atlanta than they do from DC. Here in Georgia, we’re watching closely what Congress does -- and doesn’t do -- this legislative session.

Voting & Elections 07.2.2021

Local Small Business Owners Endorse ‘For the People Act’

As the Supreme Court issued its voting rights and donor disclosure decisions yesterday, local small business owners gathered near the John Lewis portrait in Atlanta’s Freedom Park and urged US Senators to pass the For the People Act. 

Georgia Committees Begin Redistricting Process

The 2021 redistricting process should work for all Georgians. We urge the Committees to change paths and ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to make our voices heard during the upcoming months.

GA Legislature Quietly Schedules First Redistricting Hearing While Ignoring Calls for Transparency

Georgia voting rights and fair redistricting advocates responded to the Georgia Senate Reapportionment and Redistricting and House Legislative and Congressional Reapportionment Committees (LCRO) quietly scheduling their first joint redistricting meeting to be held next Tuesday, June 15, at 5 p.m. 

Census Bureau Releases Apportionment Data

Even though our number of congressional districts remains the same, we know that Georgia has undergone significant population shifts in the past decade. Based on voter registration and turnout data, we know that communities of color represent an increasing share of Georgia’s population. These growing communities deserve to have fair representation, in Congress and in both chambers of the Georgia General Assembly. 

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