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SPLC, Georgia Voters and Voting Rights Groups Challenge Georgia’s Racially-Gerrymandered Congressional Districts

Voting rights groups and Georgia voters filed a lawsuit in federal court today charging that the 6th, 13th, and 14th Congressional Districts of Georgia violate the Constitution and unlawfully diminish the voting power of voters of color.

Georgia State Legislature Approves Extremely Gerrymandered Congressional Maps

"When the redistricting process is led by the politicians, the maps will be drawn to benefit the politicians—and that’s exactly what state legislators have done today."

Voting & Elections 11.10.2021

Legislators Propose Wholesale Remake of Gwinnett County Government

Last-minute legislation would completely reconfigure Board of Commissioners and Board of Education for one of the country’s most-diverse counties.

TODAY: Georgia General Assembly to Hold Redistricting Hearing on Draft Maps

The members of the state’s Reapportionment and Redistricting Committee are convening for a meeting on their proposed district maps that will be live streamed this afternoon at 1:00 p.m. The meeting is the first and only opportunity for the public to provide testimony on draft maps before they are signed into law for the next ten years.

Georgia General Assembly Releases State House Maps

Today, the Georgia General Assembly released their official proposed draft of the Georgia House of Representatives voting map. Earlier this year, grassroots groups called for greater transparency in the Legislature’s process of drawing district lines. Groups have also urged that Georgia’s Open Meeting Act be amended to cover the General Assembly.

U.S. Census Bureau Releases New Format of Data for a More Participatory Redistricting Process

Today, the U.S. Census Bureau will release population data from the 2020 Census in an easy-to-use format for Americans who want to advocate for fair maps in this year’s redistricting cycle. The new format of the data will be made available to all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico and will be key to increasing participation in the ongoing redistricting efforts.

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