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Voting & Elections 10.12.2020

Court clarifies that voting must be able to continue uninterupted if voting machines fail, declines to prescribe amount required

In an amicus brief filed in the long-running Curling v. Raffensperger lawsuit, Common Cause asked United States District Judge Amy Totenberg to require paper ballots equal to 40% of registered voters at each polling site. That number was based on projections of ballot usage during peak voting times, so voters would be able to vote at their polling place even in cases of voting system failures lasting three hours. In a decision issued tonight, Judge Totenberg declined to require a specific number of paper ballots.

Voting & Elections 10.1.2020

Common Cause Georgia, the Brennan Center ask Federal Judge to Require More “Emergency” Paper Ballots

Common Cause Georgia, represented by the Brennan Center for Justice, today took legal action to ensure voters would not be denied the right to vote in the November election, even if voting machines fail.  

Voting & Elections 09.28.2020

Today’s Federal Court Ruling – Common Cause Responds

Federal District Court Justice Amy Totenberg today issued a ruling requiring the Georgia Secretary of State and local elections officials to ensure that polling places use paper backups of electronic poll books in the event of electronic pollbook failure. "Judge Totenberg’s order is a victory for voters and for the integrity of our elections. Common Cause Georgia has been working to improve our elections infrastructure for years...."

Voting & Elections 09.16.2020

GA Secretary of State Clarifies Returning Citizens’ Voting Eligibility

Georgia’s Secretary of State has added language to his website, clarifying that “outstanding monetary obligations other than fines, such as unpaid restitution, fees, costs, or surcharges” are not a barrier to voting, for people who have been convicted of a felony.

Voting & Elections 08.6.2020

Voting Rights Act Turns 55

Today’s anniversary comes during a time when our nation is, once again, grappling with its long history of treating people differently based on the color of their skin.

Voting & Elections 06.24.2020

Committee Urged to Reject Amendment, Pass SB 463

This amendment to SB 463 would be a step backward. It would eliminate an option that Georgia’ elections officials will likely need in the fall elections. Voters should not ever be forced to choose between their health and exercising their right to vote. In pandemic conditions, sending absentee ballot applications to voters is one of the best ways to ensure their ability to vote safely.

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