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Voting & Elections 02.17.2021

Senate Subcommittees Consider Anti-Voting Bills ‘in the dark’

Today, two special subcommittees of the Georgia Senate Committee on Ethics acted on legislation that would add new barriers to voting. The subcommittee meetings were held with little public notice, at 7:00 in the morning, and without video streaming.

Voting & Elections 02.16.2021

Anti-Voter Bills are ‘steamrolling through the legislative process’

Our country is in the midst of a racial justice movement. Now is not the time to take the Republicans’ voting system from 2005 and add draconian attacks on ballot access that would disproportionately impact voters of color.  Voters bear enough burdens trying to make our voices heard. Legislators should stop their efforts to sideline the voters they are supposed to be serving.

Voting & Elections 02.9.2021

Common Cause Georgia calls on Secretary Raffensperger to Refer Investigation of Trump’s January 2nd Phone Call to federal DOJ: ‘ Georgians need an independent investigation’

Common Cause Georgia calls on Secretary Raffensperger and Attorney General Carr to immediately refer the investigation to the federal Department of Justice, and then to cooperate with that investigation.

Voting & Elections 02.2.2021

Georgia Legislature considers bill to ‘undermine the absentee voting system created by then-Governor Sonny Perdue’ in 2005

SB 29 isn’t just a solution in search of a problem, it’s a thinly-disguised effort to create huge barriers to voting for those who rely on Georgia’s absentee ballot system.

Media & Democracy 01.18.2021

Common Cause Georgia Honors Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. King would remind us that “disfranchisement is the main instrument for perpetuating racial injustice.” The lines at Georgia’s polling places, back in June, showed the entire country that racial disparities in voting access are still real. Access was improved in the November and January elections, but some voters still faced barriers.

Common Cause GA calls for immediate resignation of Reps Allen, Carter, Clyde, Greene, Hice and Loudermilk

In the wake of Wednesday’s insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, Common Cause Georgia is calling for the immediate resignation of Representatives Rick W. Allen, Earl L. "Buddy" Carter, Andrew S. Clyde, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jody B. Hice and Barry Loudermilk after they voted to overturn the will of the people, failed to accept the results of the 2020 presidential election, and played a clear role in spreading disinformation around the election, leading to the violence.

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