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“This bill clearly chills the voices of Georgia voters who deserve an opportunity to choose their elected officials in their respective districts," said Anne-Gray Herring, policy analyst of Common Cause Georgia.

HB 1312 could add an extra two years to the six-year terms of commissioners on the all-Republican body.

"Georgia’s Department of Justice has already spoken against this ambiguous bill and the chilling effect it will have for Georgia prosecutors," said Aunna Dennis, executive director of Common Cause Georgia.

Voting & Elections 08.24.2023

Petition Signers All Considered Active Voters

Common Cause Georgia supports the city of Atlanta accepting and processing the signatures of the more than 104,000 people. Those registered voters who sign it will now also be considered active voters.

MEDIA RELEASE: New Poll Finds Most Georgians Want Voting Maps that Reflect Diversity

New poll on redistricting shows Georgians want a non-partisan voting map process, and voting maps that reflect diversity.

Voting & Elections 09.6.2022

Five Members of Congress from Georgia Earned Top Scores from our 2022 Democracy Scorecard

There's growing support in Congress for democracy reform with a 70% increase in members with perfect scores on Common Cause's 2022 Democracy Scorecard.

Voting & Elections 05.24.2022

Georgia Primary – Voting Hours Extended in at Least One Location

Polling place hours have been extended until 8pm at the Northway Church in Macon-Bibb County. This list will be updated if hours are extended at additional locations. 

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