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Voting & Elections 07.17.2021

MONDAY 10am — US Senate Rules Committee to Hold Field Hearing in Atlanta

We’re glad that the Senate Rules Committee is getting back out in the field, and meeting Americans where we are. Things look a lot different when viewed from Atlanta than they do from DC. Here in Georgia, we’re watching closely what Congress does -- and doesn’t do -- this legislative session.

Voting & Elections 07.2.2021

Local Small Business Owners Endorse ‘For the People Act’

As the Supreme Court issued its voting rights and donor disclosure decisions yesterday, local small business owners gathered near the John Lewis portrait in Atlanta’s Freedom Park and urged US Senators to pass the For the People Act. 

Voting & Elections 03.25.2021

Anti-Voter ‘Omnibus’ Heads to Governor’s Desk

Today, in a matter of just hours, both the House and Senate approved a substitute version of SB 202, an anti-voter ‘omnibus’ that allows the highly-partisan state Legislature to appoint a quorum of the State Election Board, and allows state takeover of county elections offices. Governor Brian Kemp is expected to sign the bill at 6:30pm today.

Voting & Elections 03.25.2021

House Passes Another Anti-Voter Bill

There’s nothing more fundamental to our government than our ability to cast our ballots and have our voices heard. Georgians’ right to vote should be protected -- not subjected to partisan whims. We urge the Senate to turn down this effort to impose partisan control on our state’s elections.

Voting & Elections 02.18.2021

Special House Committee Holding Hearing on “Omnibus” Voting Legislation the Public Has Never Seen

The Georgia Legislature’s practice of leaving the public out of “the people’s business” reached a new low today. At 3pm, the House Special Committee on Election Integrity started a hearing on HB 531, a 48-page “omnibus” bill on elections filed by Republican lawmakers – which was filed only two hours ago.

Voting & Elections 02.17.2021

Senate Subcommittees Consider Anti-Voting Bills ‘in the dark’

Today, two special subcommittees of the Georgia Senate Committee on Ethics acted on legislation that would add new barriers to voting. The subcommittee meetings were held with little public notice, at 7:00 in the morning, and without video streaming.

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