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Voting & Elections 08.18.2021

Election Review Panel should ‘respect the work of the community members who risked their lives to ensure Fulton County had free and fair elections’

One of the reasons why so many Americans continue to have faith in our elections is because they are administered at the local level - by members of our communities. 

Media & Democracy 01.18.2021

Common Cause Georgia Honors Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. King would remind us that “disfranchisement is the main instrument for perpetuating racial injustice.” The lines at Georgia’s polling places, back in June, showed the entire country that racial disparities in voting access are still real. Access was improved in the November and January elections, but some voters still faced barriers.

Voting & Elections 11.19.2020

Audit Results Announced: Common Cause Georgia Responds

Georgia’s voters have made their decision. It’s time to honor that decision. It’s also time to ensure that our county elections officials have the resources they need to fulfill their responsibilities in the next two elections. 

Voting & Elections 11.10.2020

Statement of Aunna Dennis, Executive Director of Common Cause Georgia — November 10, 2020

A record number of Georgia’s voters participated in this election, despite COVID 19. Just as in previous elections, the decisions of ‘The People’ must be respected and accepted. We need to move forward and ensure that the runoffs on December 1 and January 5 go as smoothly as possible. 

Voting & Elections 09.28.2020

Today’s Federal Court Ruling – Common Cause Responds

Federal District Court Justice Amy Totenberg today issued a ruling requiring the Georgia Secretary of State and local elections officials to ensure that polling places use paper backups of electronic poll books in the event of electronic pollbook failure. "Judge Totenberg’s order is a victory for voters and for the integrity of our elections. Common Cause Georgia has been working to improve our elections infrastructure for years...."

Voting & Elections 06.24.2020

Committee Urged to Reject Amendment, Pass SB 463

This amendment to SB 463 would be a step backward. It would eliminate an option that Georgia’ elections officials will likely need in the fall elections. Voters should not ever be forced to choose between their health and exercising their right to vote. In pandemic conditions, sending absentee ballot applications to voters is one of the best ways to ensure their ability to vote safely.

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