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Media Contact: Jennifer Garcia, jgarcia@commoncause.org, 727-717-2308

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Common Cause Georgia Calls for Transparency, Meaningful Public Input with Today’s Vote on Cop City Project

Common Cause Georgia is calling on city and state leaders to respect people’s right to protest and provide more transparency about the project.

Voting & Elections 09.27.2022

Common Cause Georgia Backs Federal Bill Requiring Election Materials in Multiple Languages

The Expanding the VOTE act would strengthen the Voting Rights Act and provide funding for critically-needed translations of election materials.

Voting & Elections 04.29.2022

Early Voting in Georgia Primary Starts Monday

Voter Assistance is Available - “In our government ‘by the people’ we owe it to each other to make sure we all vote.”

Voting & Elections 03.30.2022

Senate committee strips anti-voter provisions from ‘elections omnibus’ bill

The pending 2023 state budget still includes $579,936 for “four fulltime positions and operating expenses to investigate elections complaints” within the Georgia Bureau of Elections.

Georgia Legislative Committee Considering ‘Anti-protest’ Bill

Right now, in Georgia, mere presence at the scene of a crime is not sufficient evidence to convict someone of being a party to the crime. But this bill seems intended to change that.

Voting & Elections 03.23.2022

‘Déjà vu all over again’ as the Georgia Senate considers another ‘elections omnibus’

Just like last year, the process has allowed little or no public input -- because if you don’t have a lobbyist, it’s almost impossible to find out what’s going on. It’s both sad and ironic that a bill directly affecting our freedom to vote is being considered using such an opaque process. 

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