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Voting & Elections 09.13.2022

New Results: Common Cause Releases “Our Democracy 2022” Candidate Surveys for First Election Since January 6th

VIDEO LINKS AND QUOTES from Today’s Media Briefing: What’s Happening and What’s at Stake for Connecticut in 2021

Earlier today, a panel of national and local redistricting experts briefed the media on the current state play in Connecticut’s redistricting cycle. The group of experts described how and why a fair redistricting process should be conducted, and how Connecticut’s current process misses the mark when it comes to transparency and public engagement.

Legislature Votes to End ‘Prison Gerrymandering’

The shameful 230-year-old practice called “prison gerrymandering” has meant that power has been redistributed unfairly. Communities where prisons are built have gotten an outsize say in Connecticut elections at the expense of other areas.

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