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A list of news coverage related to Common Cause in Connecticut's priority issues and advocacy work.

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Opinion: The public has a right to know

"At its core, this issue is about the public’s right to know what is going on behind the walls of academe."

Voting & Elections 10.2.2023

CT Insider: CT’s absentee ballot boxes are under fire amid Bridgeport investigation. Here’s what to know

"This does not demonstrate a problem with the boxes. It demonstrates a problem with the local officials in Bridgeport."

Voting & Elections 04.16.2023

CT Insider: CT bill could bar participants in the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot from holding office

The first section of the bill would render “permanently ineligible” anyone who has ever taken an oath of office and then “engages in insurrection or rebellion against the United States or gives aid or comfort to the enemies of the United States” from being “elected or appointed to any state or municipal office.”

Report finds 16 Connecticut legislators have joined ‘far-right’ Facebook groups

While Connecticut conservatives haven’t been so bold as elected officials in red states, their enrollment in the Facebook groups indicates the need for more public vigilance, said Cheri Quickmire, executive director of the election watchdog Common Cause in Connecticut. “Extremism isn’t only in certain states like Florida and Arkansas, but it’s alive in Connecticut,” Quickmire said Friday while reviewing the report. “I find this disturbing.” She recalled the controversy last year over the teaching of American history in Guilford schools that resulted in a coalition of Democrats and unaffiliated voters winning seats on the local Board of Education.

The CT Mirror: Connecticut drawn into fight over conservative ALEC’s tax-exempt status

Connecticut is one of 15 states where campaign finance complaints were filed against the American Legislative Exchange Council this week, alleging that the conservative non-profit group was illegally distributing software to Republican lawmakers. (...) In Connecticut, the complaint filed with the State Elections Enforcement Commission, says state Rep. Mike France, R-Ledyard, as a member of ALEC, would have been given the software. France is listed by ALEC as its Connecticut chair...

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