What do you need before you build a campaign page?

Before you begin building your page in WordPress you should organize and layout the following in a Word or Google Docs.

What’s the heading?

This is usually the title of your campaign or an aspirational statement about the campaign. Some examples:

    • National Popular Vote: Ensuring Every Vote Counts — NPV;
    • Safeguarding our Elections— Election Security 
    • Protecting the Right to Vote — Voting Rights or Election Protection.

What’s the deck text?

A blurb that personifies the goal of the campaign. Examples:

    • We must stop partisan politicians from manipulating voting maps to keep themselves and their party in power. 
    • We must hold politicians accountable to strong ethical standards, so they serve the people instead of partisan or wealthy special interests. 

What should I include as content for my campaign page?

You are the owner of your campaign, and what information you would like to relay about it. I recommend thinking about what your members need to know. Here are some suggestions:

    • What is at stake?
    • Why it matters?
    • What is Common Cause doing?
    • The latest update/news
    • What members can do? (actions, volunteer opportunities, etc)

Other items to consider:

  • Call to action for the topper (optional)
  • Images; Dimensions 1145 x 700
  • Related posts, (make sure you add links to associated blog posts, press releases etc)

For inspiration, guidance or a refresh on how we talk about our work, tell our story and reach out to new audiences on the web — the website content guide is a baseline for all national and state web content.


  • Navigate to campaigns on your dashboard → Select Add New
  • In the title, field enter the title of your campaign

Campaign posts have five sections: Topper: Page, Yoast SEO Premium, Campaign: Single, Modules and Page Introduction.

Topper: Page this section is the topper section of your campaign page.

  • Size: Short (preferred) Note: if you use a tall campaign topper your image will not feed to the grid on issue area page
  • Type: Select Image or color background (your preference)
    • If you select color background: you have the option of blue or grey be consistent if you choose grey then choose grey for every post OR
    • If you select image: add your background image dimensions 2560px width x 1030px height
  • Text Above Headline (optional): add tag line text
  • Headline: this the headline for the topper,  you should enter the title of your campaign again.
  • Deck: Add 2-3 sentences that personify the goal of the campaign.

Campaign: Single is where you set up your featured posts and CTA in your topper.

  • Settings: Display Featured Posts?: Select Yes if you have 2-3 posts you would like to feature on your campaign page (ie. report, op-ed, factsheet)
    • Select the drop-down and type the name of the post and select it when it appears.
  • Topper CTA: You have option to add a signup form or a button. Select and follow the prompts.


Select add module to build the content on your page. Please see the modules section of the word guide for guidance.

Hint: you should use the Full-Width Content Module to add text.

Sections you can ignore for now:

Page Introduction

Yoast SEO Premium

Examples of Great Campaign Pages

National: The Muller Investigation
National: For the People Act-- HR1
California: Local Redistricting in CA
New York: Ranked Choice Voting