

List of Key Resources in the Householder/HB6 Scandal

Timeline of Major Events Surrounding Householder’s House Bill 6 Scandal

Follow along with news as it continues to break in the House Bill 6/Householder scandal, the biggest corruption scandal in Ohio’s history.

Details of how the scandal took place:

Selling out in the Statehouse: a timeline deep dive inside HB 6 and the biggest government scandal in Ohio state history, USA Today Network Ohio Bureau, June 3, 2021.

Watch the press conference where federal officials discuss the HB6 Householder Enterprise indictments.

This is a great resource to learn about the HB6 scandal characters in detail, and even filter by area of interest:

Ohio Statehouse Corruption: Who you need to know in the federal bribery case, USA Today Network Ohio, July 21, 2021.

And here is a resource where you can learn about the lesser known characters involved in the HB6 scandal: 

House Bill 6: Meet the lesser-known FirstEnergy officials accused of ties to the largest bribery scandal in Ohio history –,, October 21, 2022.

See primary source legislation, state filings and internal letters related to this case:

Review the full criminal complaints, pleas and deals:

Find additional news articles and announcements here:

Where is AEP in all of this? See its involvement here:

Related Resources

See all Related Resources


“A Cycle of Corruption”: A Timeline of the Householder/HB6 Scandal

As watchdogs for government transparency, Common Cause Ohio continues to catalog the Householder/House Bill 6 scandal, compiling key events and verdicts in this growing timeline.


Shining A Light on Dark Money—It’s Time for Ohioans to Unite for a Brighter Future

The House Bill 6 scandal—the biggest in Ohio history—was a $60 million scheme by FirstEnergy and other utility companies to buy seats and votes in the Ohio House to secure passage of a billion dollar bailout of failing nuclear and coal plants in Ohio and Indiana. The scheme was “successful” in that the money helped elect supportive legislators who then voted to pass HB6. Parts of the corrupt bill are still on the books, and Ohio utility customers are still on the hook to bail out the failed plants, to the tune of over $445,000 per day....


List of Key Resources in the Householder/HB6 Scandal


Frequently Asked Questions about the Householder/HB6 Scandal


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