What will you find on this page?

This page contains links to:

  • Conference Committees: On this page, you can track all of the bills that have been sent to the conference committee. To learn more about a particular bill, click on the HF/SF link. You will be taken to the bill page where you can find a bill summary, actions for each chamber, conferees, the committee report (once available), passage status, side-by-side (s), and previous and upcoming meetings surrounding the conference process.
  • Committee Hearings: Throughout the legislative session, bills will be heard in various committees before they are ready for passage. Committees are where much of the changes to bills and debates occur. All of the bills we have identified as priority democracy bills for the 2024 legislative session have gone through at least the State & Local Government and/or Elections committees. The links below will take you to the committee webpages. Here you can find previous minutes, previous recorded meetings, and contact information for the committee members and committee staff.
  • Floor Votes: The floor vote links will take you to each chamber’s YouTube channels. Once you’re on the YouTube channel, you can use the search function to watch previous or upcoming recorded floor sessions. During floor sessions members debate, make changes to bills, and vote for the final passage of bills.

Key Democracy Bills

Conference Committee Bill Tracking

You can view all conference committee bills here. This includes the elections omnibus bill. You'll find bill text, actions, conferees, audio and video for previous and upcoming hearings, and information for the latest hearing.

Watch House Elections Committee Hearings
Watch Senate Elections Committee Hearings
Watch Previous House Floor Votes
Watch Previous Senate Floor Votes
Watch House State & Local Government Committee Hearings
Watch Senate State & Local Government Committee Hearings