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If you are a member of the media, please contact Joanne Antoine at Jantoine@commoncause.org or 443.906.0442, Morgan Drayton at mdrayton@commoncause.org or 410.245.3532, or Dera Silvestre at dsilvestre@commoncause.org or 617.807.4032.

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Transparency Advocates Endorse Court Access Bills in Maryland Senate

"Virtual court access ensures that the public has safe, meaningful, affordable opportunities to observe our legal system at work,” said Joanne Antoine, executive director of Common Cause Maryland.

Media & Democracy 09.25.2018

Democracy Dies in Darkness: Voters Have Right to Know Funders of Online Political Ads

The Washington Post, Baltimore Sun and other local newspapers have sued the state of Maryland to avoid complying with the state’s campaign finance disclosure law, a measure that allows Maryland citizens to easily obtain meaningful information about groups and individuals seeking to influence their vote through ads run on their publications’ online platforms. Common Cause Maryland and the Campaign Legal Center filed a brief in U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, arguing that the state should enforce its campaign finance disclosure law.

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