Making Government Work
Our government should make decisions that further the public's interest. But recently, gridlock, hyper-partisanship, and out-of-date legislative process have hindered meaningful progress. We are fighting back.
Common Cause addresses a range of good government issues to ensure that public officials can their jobs. Over the years, we have worked to:
- Reform the U.S. Senate to update its rules and curb abuse of the silent filibuster
- Prevent government shutdowns over anti-democratic political agendas
- Make sure voters have necessary information about budgets, spending, and the legislative process
- Stop legislators from wrongly interfering with presidential and gubernatorial appointments to the executive and judicial branch
- Ensure state legislatures have adequate time and funding to conduct the peoples’ business
What We’re Doing
Take Action
Letter To The Editor
Write Your Letter: Stop Anti-Democracy Project 2025
Fight back against Big Money’s influence: Overturn Citizens United
Corporations, special interest groups, and some of the wealthiest people in the country are spending billions of dollars to influence the 2024 elections — effectively drowning out the voices of everyday Americans.
That’s why I’m calling on Congress to overturn the Supreme Court’s disastrous Citizens United decision — and also pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the DISCLOSE Act — to fight back against our country’s Big Money problem.
Letter Campaign
Write Your Representative: Pass The Youth Voting Rights Act!
Your financial support helps us make an impact by holding power accountable and strengthening democracy.
NEW: The Washington Post Censored Our #FireMusk Ad
5 Ways Common Cause Defended Democracy in the First Trump Administration
What is Project 2025?
Related Resources
Democracy On The Ballot
Ten Principles for Reforming the Rules of the House of Representatives
Letter to Congress to Oppose Poison Pill Campaign Finance Riders in FY18 Omnibus Appropriations Bill
Letter to Congress opposing Spending Bills “Policy Riders”
Press Release
Common Cause Calls on Congress to Pass Bipartisan Funding Bill
Press Release
Common Cause Releases Candidate “Democracy Survey 2024”
News Clip
Boston Globe: Public records undergird R.I.’s biggest news stories