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Demand a Peaceful Transfer of Power

Members of President Trump’s administration are obstructing a peaceful transition of power — as they refuse to allow President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team to formally begin its work. GSA Administrator Emily Murphy and other Trump appointees must do their jobs and let Biden’s team start its massive undertaking.

General Services Administration (GSA) Administrator Emily Murphy has an important job: now that Joe Biden is the projected 2020 election winner, she is supposed to sign paperwork that gives Biden’s team the go-ahead to start its transition.

But in keeping with the president’s failure to concede the election — Murphy refuses to write this letter, and the administration has expressed no intent to sign one.

This formal process is how transition teams start to assess the agencies they will soon oversee — and get access to things like their official email addresses, office spaces, and funding for salaries. For over 50 years, it has been a crucial part of our country’s peaceful transition of power.

But these Trump loyalists are doing everything in their power to slow this all-important process down. And in the meantime, Trump is openly contesting the results of the election — threatening meritless litigation to stop ballot counting or otherwise interfere with election officials’ work.

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