Affordable Connectivity Program
The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) helps ensure that everyone can get online.

About the Affordable Connectivity Program
The ACP provided eligible homes with discounted or free internet access -$30 a month toward monthly Internet Bill ($75 Tribal Lands) and $100 towards a device.
Funding for the ACP was passed in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act 2021. This program helped over 23 million Americans afford the internet they needed to stay connected.
Congress failed to pass more funding for the ACP, before it ran out in May of 2024. A bipartisan and bicameral group of legislators are working to pass additional funding.
Common Cause advocates, activists, and ACP recipients like Diane have been taking action to keep Americans connected to the ACP since June 3023. We have made over 30,000 forms of contact with elected officials demanding they extend the ACP.
Here’s How You Can Help
Use our tools below to learn more and contact your representative and spread the word about the digital divide.
Your voice on this issue is impactful. Bridging the Digital Divide is popular.
Over 75% of Americans Agree that Internet access is as essential as electricity or water. 2024 is a big election year and elected officials are campaigning to win elections at the local, state, and national levels.
Letter Campaign
Tell Congress: Save the ACP!