Your Vote Matters in Every Election. Plan to Vote February 18 and April 1!
The August Primary Election is unique in that when we vote, we have to choose a political party and ONLY vote for that party’s candidates. In Wisconsin, you can choose any party you wish when you cast your ballot, but you can NOT cross over and vote for another party’s candidates on this ballot. If you do, your ballot will be disqualified. Wisconsin is an “open” primary state, which means that our state does not require voters to register with a political party and therefore, voters can choose their party preference on the ballot when they vote. BUT keep in mind when casting your partisan primary ballot, you only choose one party and you must only vote for candidates of that party on this ballot.
First, choose your method to vote in the August 13th Election.
You can choose which method works for you to cast your ballot. Vote by:
Your clerk is the best person to answer your questions about the details and deadlines regarding any of these methods. You can contact your clerk on MyVote.
Then, make a plan. Look over the information in this message to make sure you have what you need to vote in this important primary election, and share with others to help them be engaged voters.
In Wisconsin, your voting plan should include:
Absentee ballots for August have begun to be mailed to voters. If you are choosing this method, make your request today! All registered voters may use to request an absentee ballot by clicking “Vote Absentee by Mail.” An acceptable photo ID must accompany your application, if you have not previously provided a copy of the ID.
You will receive your ballot in an official designated envelope from your municipal clerk. Remove all the contents, which should have one official, authorized ballot and one postage paid return envelope. There might also be additional instruction sheet(s). If your envelope is missing a ballot or return envelope, contact your clerk.
Use black or blue pen to fill out your ballot. Instructions for filling out the ballot are right on the ballot. Follow those instructions and fill out the information completely.
First choose the party you wish to vote for the offices on the remainder of the ballot. After you choose the party, find the beginning of that party’s offices on the ballot.
Continue to fill out the ballot, but only for that party. If you vote for multiple parties, your ballot will be spoiled and will not be counted. All the candidates running for offices will continue down the column and may continue into the next column. After the last office, you will see a note that says “End _____ Party Primary.”
Note also that there are two constitutional ballot questions on this August primary ballot which you can and should vote on regardless of what partisan candidates you vote for. Common Cause Wisconsin recommends you vote “NO” on both constitutional ballot questions.
Read the instructions on the front of your return envelope. The next steps need to be done with a witness present. (NOTE: Witnesses, like voters, need to be 18 years or older and a U.S. Citizen.)
Your ballot needs to be received by your clerk on Election Day to be counted. If you are mailing it, it’s a good idea to put it in the mail at least a week prior to Election Day. (For the August 13th Election, it is best to get it in the mail before August 5th).
Then you can also use MyVote to track your ballot, check your voter registration status, and make any updates to your voter file (like a change of address). Remember if you get stuck or have questions, your clerk contact information is also searchable on MyVote.
If you’d like to vote before Election Day in-person, check with your clerk on locations and times beginning July 30, 2024 and ending August 11, 2024. Each clerk sets their own locations, dates, and hours so it’s important to get specific information for your municipality. Casting your ballot early minimizes lines on Election Day, as well as fits best into your schedule. Visit your municipal clerk’s website or contact them to find out about your opportunities to vote early.
Prepare now if you’re going to vote at your polling place on Election Day, August 13th. Polls are open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM on Election Day no matter where you vote in Wisconsin. You can register to vote on Election Day at your polling location if you need to register to vote. (See above note for more registration information.) You can look at your voter registration status and find your polling place all on MyVote.
Get to know who wants to represent you and which candidate best represents your values before you vote. Find candidate and ballot information from the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin at Vote411.
You can find the list of 2024 Wisconsin State Senate and Assembly candidates who support the nonpartisan redistricting pledge for Wisconsin that Common Cause Wisconsin is tracking here.
Beyond the resources of your municipal clerk, help is just a call, text, or email away.
Every election matters! Take the time to cast your ballot correctly in August’s partisan primary election, and share this information with family and friends to help them be engaged voters. Our active involvement and participation by voting strengthen our democracy in our communities, our state, and our country. Prepare now to vote and then do it. Our future depends on it.
Jay Heck, Executive Director, on behalf of everyone at Common Cause Wisconsin
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