Press Release
Citizens United at 15: CEOs Have Front Row Seats at Swearing In
The American people deserve a government that works for everyone, not just the wealthy few.
Unfortunately, over the last few decades the U.S. Supreme Court has made several bad decisions when it comes to money in politics. Most notably, Buckley laban kay Valeo (1976) and Citizens United v. FEC (2010) have brought more imbalance to our political system, given a bigger voice to wealthy special interests, and eroded our campaign finance laws.
The 2010 Nagkakaisa ang mga mamamayan decision allows corporations and special interest groups to spend unlimited amounts of money to influence elections—potentially giving them a dangerous amount of influence over decisions that should be left to individual voters.
It is now on the people to fix the Supreme Court’s mistakes and build a stronger democracy. That’s why Common Cause has joined with hundreds of partner organizations to support a campaign to amend the U.S. Constitution and overturn Citizens United.
Since 2010, 19 states and nearly 800 local governments have called on Congress to pass a constitutional amendment to overturn Nagkakaisa ang mga mamamayan and similar decisions.
In 2014, the majority of the U.S. Senate voted for the Democracy for All amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which would permit Congress and state legislatures to put sensible limits on political spending. Unfortunately, the bill was blocked by a Republican filibuster.
Common Cause activists across the country continue to push for an end to big money’s outsize influence on our democracy by calling their legislators, writing letters to the editor, and more.
Press Release
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