Election Protection

Rhode Island Election Protection
At Common Cause Rhode Island, we are committed to defending voting rights, making the ballot box accessible for all eligible voters, and safeguarding our voting systems to guarantee accurate and fair elections. Every election year, we mobilize volunteers to help our fellow Rhode Islanders navigate the voting process and cast their votes without obstruction, confusion, or intimidation.
Our nonpartisan voter protection program seeks to ensure every eligible voter who wants to vote can do so, and every vote is counted accurately. This program is not affiliated with any party, candidate, or issue campaign.
Become an Election Protection Volunteer
No qualified Rhode Islander should be deprived of their right to vote due to confusion, suppression, or intimidation.
That’s why Common Cause Rhode Island has developed an election protection program for midterm and presidential elections. Direct volunteer intervention is the most effective way to make sure voters can’t be disenfranchised by confusion over election rules, long lines, under-resourced polling places, and acts of intimidation or deception.
With our election protection program, we help eliminate these obstacles and make elections more efficient by:
- Ensuring voters have access to the ballot box to make their vote count
- Providing voters with necessary voting information and answering their questions
- Quickly identifying and correcting any problems at polling places
- Gathering information to illustrate potential barriers to voting
Join us in safeguarding our elections by signing up to be a:
- Poll Monitor: Identify issues at the polls, answer voters’ questions, and connect those who are denied a ballot to legal resources.
- Roving Poll Monitor: Drive or bike between polling places and check on lines, signage, and poll preparation. Report back to HQ on any problems at the polls that need to be solved.
- Social Media Monitor: Search for social media posts that share issues at the polls, connect voters to resources and support, and report election-related mis- and disinformation.
- 866-OUR VOTE Hotline Monitor: *Must be a law student, attorney, or have a legal background* Respond and field calls from voters concerning election deadlines, trouble at the polls, and other issues and track and record information accordingly.
- Voter Contact Volunteer: Use phone banking tools to talk to thousands of voters to give them accurate voting information and support.
Click below to learn more about the program, or to sign up to help us protect the vote!
Take Action
Your financial support helps us make an impact by holding power accountable and strengthening democracy.
Press Release
Common Cause Rhode Island Launches 2024 Election Protection Program
News Clip
May 16th Newsmakers Round Table
News Clip
R.I. Official says GOP Senate Candidate is spreading “misinformation” about voter data