Press Release

Shackled Senate: How the Filibuster is Holding Hostage our Congress

A Case for Senate Rules Reform

WASHINGTON DC – Common Cause will host a panel discussion on the Senate’s dangerous misuse of the filibuster, how its ensuing gridlock is affecting the nation and what can be done about it. The presentation comes as a minority of 42 senators hold hostage America’s business, including extension of unemployment benefits and ratification of a nuclear arms treaty, until they get their way on tax cuts. Each panelist will address how the filibuster has impacted their issue areas, and thoughts on moving forward.

WHAT: Shackled Senate: How the Filibuster is Holding Hostage Our Congress

WHO: US Sen. Tom Harkin – Longtime champion of filibuster reform

Wade Henderson – President of Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights

Nan Aron – President of Alliance for Justice Action Campaign

Kay King – Vice President, Washington Initiatives, Council on Foreign Relations

Norman J. Ornstein – Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research

Moderator Bob Edgar – President, Common Cause,

WHEN: Wednesday, Dec. 15 at 9:30 to 11 am

WHERE: Holeman Lounge, National Press Club, 529 14th St., Washington DC

Since 2005 an obstructionist minority of United States Senators fundamentally altered the legislative playing field, distorting any tradition of deliberation and consensus beyond recognition. The filibuster is now used to block an unprecedented number of legislative measures and block progress on issues that Americans care about. The filibuster no longer extends due deliberation – rather, it is a favorite tool of a minority of the Senate to obstruct and block the clear will of the majority.



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