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Press Release

Rep. Boehner and House Dems Urged to Cease Empty Reform Rhetoric

Mary Boyle, Common Cause, (202) 736-5770

Adam Smith, Public Campaign, (202) 640-5593

Voters Want Solutions-Not Partisan Attacks

Washington, D.C.- Today, Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) will give a major speech on his plan to reform the “People’s house,” without having supported any legislation in the past two years to do that. In the same vein, Democrats are attacking the potential next Speaker of the House for his special interest ties, but adjourned without acting on the Fair Elections Now Act, which would reduce the influence of special interests in Washington. Voters are ready for solutions to our big money political system-not just more partisan bickering and empty rhetoric.

“When the votes have been cast this November, we believe the candidates and the party with the strongest message and plan to clean up Washington will win,” said Bob Edgar, president and CEO of Common Cause. “Voters want an end to special interest influence in Washington, not empty speeches or partisan attacks.”

“The big money flooding our elections and the campaign coffers of candidates pollutes our democracy and diminishes public trust-and that applies to candidates in both parties,” said Nick Nyhart, president and CEO of Public Campaign. “Candidates and political parties who are silent aid and abet the special interest theft. Those that stand up and fight for the voices of everyday Americans will be rewarded by voters.”

The Fair Elections Now Act (H.R. 6116/1826) would allow congressional candidates to run a competitive campaign on a blend of small donations from back home and “fair elections funds” and put an end to the nonstop chase for campaign cash from special interests. Instead of attending countless fundraisers in Washington, D.C., members of Congress could focus their time on their constituents and addressing our country’s challenges.

Fair Elections passed the Committee on House Administration on September 23rd. Since committee passage, thousands of people have called their member of Congress and Speaker Nancy Pelosi urging a floor vote and more than 270 state and national organizations have signed a letter to the Speaker pushing for a vote.



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