Press Release
New Report: How to Unlock Fair Voting Maps with Independent Commissions
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A new report from Common Cause breaks down how to design every aspect of independent redistricting commissions to ensure fair maps. “Unlocking Fair Maps: The Keys to Independent Redistricting,” dives deep into the considerations advocates and policymakers face when constructing an independent redistricting commission and analyzes the common elements that maximize their effectiveness.
“Protecting our right to fair representation is only going to become more critical in coming years, and we know that we can score big, democracy-strengthening wins at through independent redistricting,” said Dan Vicuña, Common Cause’s director of redistricting and representation. “While there is no one-size-fits-all model for an independent commission, this body of work provides a blueprint and guidance on best practices for how advocates can pass reforms that make redistricting more transparent, nonpartisan, and community focused.”
The redistricting process plays a key role in determining the balance of power in Washington, D.C., state capitals, and every other level of government. Because of its importance, redistricting has been subject to gamesmanship and politicization since its inception.
A solution for this decades-long fight for fair representation exists: independent redistricting commissions. Independent redistricting commissions are multimember, cross-partisan entities that have the final authority to draw voting districts every decade instead of allowing politicians to manipulate maps. Research shows that independent redistricting commissions work. In the last few decades, many states and cities across the nation have successfully implemented new voting maps using an independent process.
Advocates and organizers have supported this solution in city halls,state legislatures, and through ballot initiatives. This report examines the ways they have achieved fair maps through independent redistricting. It also provides recommendations and guidance as to best practices and what to avoid. Each section of this report walks through these processes and provides sample constitutional and statutory language.
“For too long, redistricting has been led by politicians seeking to cement their own political power at the expense of their constituents,” said Alton Wang, policy counsel for Common Cause.
Independent redistricting puts the power to shape our collective future back in the hands of the people, “This report is as an essential tool providing advocates and leaders with the educational resources they need to implement effective reform in their communities.”
To read the full report,“Unlocking Fair Maps: The Keys to Independent Redistricting,” click here.