Press Release
Common Cause Pennsylvania Concludes Analysis of New Congressional Maps – Finds No Violations of Voting Rights Act
HARRISBURG — Common Cause Pennsylvania announced that after further analysis they have found no violations of the Voting Rights Act in the new congressional map issued by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Feb. 19.
Common Cause Pennsylvania Executive Director Micah Sims has issued the following statement:
“We thank the Pennsylvania Supreme Court for forging an electoral map out of the ashes of the legislature’s failure, so the people can once again vote in congressional districts that are fair and responsive. This map will finally allow the voters to choose their representatives and not the other way around.
“The Court’s map advances democracy and representation for the 12.8 million residents of our state. No map is ever perfect, but now, Pennsylvania voters finally have fair maps that allow the people to hold our elected officials accountable. These maps should provide an opportunity for education, empowerment, and engagement across Pennsylvania.
“We continue to join with our redistricting partners across the state in echoing the cry to fix this process and fix it now. History has shown that redistricting should not be left to the Legislature to carry out behind closed doors. Let’s begin to gather citizens with various perspectives to establish a table where everyone has a seat and everyone will be heard. By working together we can create a more perfect union and a more perfect map by 2021.
“It is time to empower voters and inform residents from across the commonwealth: We have a chance to have our voices and our votes count – we elect representatives to the United States Congress. We hope all residents take this renewed opportunity to participate in our electoral process and we encourage everyone to get ready to vote on May 15.”