Press Release
To Bridge Political Divides, Common Cause Oregon Calls on Candidates to Take Ethics Pledge
PORTLAND, Ore. — As the country struggles to uphold ethical norms in government, Common Cause has convened a group of Oregon civic leaders – across party lines – to promote government ethics. The non-partisan civic committee is asking candidates running for U.S. Congressional and Secretary of State to sign an online ethics pledge promising to run their campaigns with transparency and respect.
Candidates are expected to encourage the public to engage in the electoral process by upholding basic principles of honesty, fairness, responsibility and respect. This will promote the public’s trust and confidence in the offices those candidates seek.
Candidates taking the online ethics pledge agree to run their campaigns conforming to five principles. Oregon voters will see which representatives commit to the pledge to run ethical campaigns. Then voters can use this information as they decide how they will cast their ballots.
Common Cause is dedicated to upholding the core values of American democracy. We believe Oregonians deserve an ethical government that works in the public interest.
Who: Congressional and Secretary of State Candidates
When: Launching April 1, 2020 for the 2020 Election