Blog Post
Ohio Primary Election Voters: Apply for your Vote-By-Mail ballot today
Ohio Voters!
If you have already voted in Ohio’s primary (early in person or with an absentee ballot), you’re good to go! Your vote will be counted when the election period is over, along with all the other ballots.
If you haven’t yet voted, it’s not too late! You need to apply for your vote-by-mail ballot as soon as possible. Here’s how:
Call the Board of Elections (BOE) to request a vote by mail application. Here’s a directory of county BOEs: (You can check where you’re registered at
[Special note for Ohio Students who registered where they were at school: make sure to request the ballot application from, and return it to, the county where you are registered to vote!]
Print out and complete an application, then mail it to (or drop it off at) the BOE where you’re registered. (Use 3/17, 4/28, or 6/2 as the date for the primary.) Here’s a link to the form:
No printer? No worries. You can write out the required information on a regular piece of paper and then mail it to or drop it off at the BOE where you are registered. Here’s all the info you need to include:
- Your name;
- Your legal signature;
- The address at which you are registered to vote;
- Your date of birth;
- One of the following items showing proof of your identification:
- Your Ohio driver’s license number (begins with two letters followed by six numbers);
- The last four digits of your Social Security number; or
- A copy of a current and valid photo identification, a military identification, or a current (within the last 12 months) utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or other government document (other than a notice of voter registration mailed by a board of elections) that shows the voter’s name and current address.
- A statement identifying the election for which you are requesting an absentee ballot;
- A statement that you are a qualified elector;
- If the request is for a partisan primary election ballot, your political party affiliation; and
- If you want the ballot to be mailed to a different address than where you are registered, the address to which you want it mailed.

- # 2: Put your birth date -- not today's date.
- # 3: Put in your current address, the one you used to register to vote. [NOTE: If you have moved and need to update your voter registration, put in your new address. You will be sent a provisional ballot. Make sure you follow the instructions carefully.]
- #4: You only need to fill this in if you want your ballot mailed somewhere different from the address at which you are registered.
- #6: Check "Primary" and put 3/17 (4/28 and 6/2 also OK). Don't forget to add info on the type of ballot you want, Democrat, Republican, or Issue Only.
- #7: Don't forget to sign and date!

Here's a Tip: Don't put your voted ballot in a mail box. Bring it in to the postoffice to make sure it is postmarked!
Track your ballot! Not sure if your application was received or your ballot is on its way? You can track your ballot! Find your county ballot tracker here
Questions? Contact your BOE, or email Common Cause Ohio at