Every 10 years, states redraw legislative district boundaries based on data collected by the Census Bureau. While New Yorkers expect the redistricting process to give them a voice, fostering political engagement and representation, lawmakers routinely abuse their power and manipulate district lines in their favor, leading to a tug of war over the process by the courts and the Legislature.

Nevertheless, our communities recognize the profound impact redistricting has on their our collective well-being. That is why Common Cause NY founded the New York Redistricting Reform Coalition. 

We are bringing together partners and stakeholders from diverse backgrounds across to advocate for an independent, fair and transparent redistricting process. Together, we can ensure that when New York’s districts are redrawn, they truly reflect the will and interests of the people they serve.

To learn more about the coalition, our priorities, and how your organization can get involved, please email nyoffice@commoncause.org.