Tell Governor Hochul: Keep our Communities Together

Just days into his presidency, Trump is already making good on his plans to carry out mass deportation raids targeting immigrant families across the country, including right here in New York. This is cruel. It's wrong. Yet, Governor Hochul’s office announced intentions to cooperate with federal officials to detain and deport some immigrants, including those who are even suspected of unofficially crossing the border. The governor must step up to protect our communities – not cave and cower to the federal government’s attempts to mass criminalize immigrants and tear us apart.

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Stop Elon Musk's Coup

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Stop Elon Musk's Coup

Elon Musk wants to strip our democracy for scraps and sell what's left to the highest bidder. We won’t let him. We won’t bend to kings, oligarchs, or unelected CEOs.

Call your Congressmember today and ask them what they're doing to stop Elon Musk's coup.

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About Us

Common Cause New York and our members are fighting for the democracy we deserve.

With the support of over 46,000 members, Common Cause New York wins concrete, pro-democracy reforms that break down barriers to participation, promote accountability, and ensure that each of us has a voice.

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Join our network of New Yorkers for American Values


Join our network of New Yorkers for American Values

The years to come under the Trump administration will be fraught, but we don’t have to – and cannot – brave them alone. The way to gather strength is to gather with others – reaffirming our shared values in community.

That’s why we’re starting a new program – New Yorkers for American Values – to build a support system throughout the state of like-minded individuals who value a functioning representative democracy.

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