Modernization Day of Action -- Tell legislators what reflective representation means to you!   Tell us you're joining us at the Roundhouse February 11!


Ending Prison Gerrymandering

New Mexicans deserve a representative democracy where all of us have an equal voice.

The Supreme Court requires state and local governments to update their electoral districts once per decade to ensure that each district contains the same population, which gives each resident equal representation in government. However, the U.S. Census Bureau counts people where they are incarcerated, not where they are from, so when jurisdictions rely on raw Census data which does not reflect their real populations, democracy suffers.

>> Sign our petition to prevent prison gerrymandering in New Mexico here. <<

New Mexico law says a prison cell is not a residence: “[A] person does not gain or lose residence solely by reason of his presence or absence . . . while confined in a public prison.” – New Mexico Statutes §1-1-7(D).

Frequently, prisons and correctional facilities are located in rural areas but the majority of the prison population ordinarily resides in more urban and suburban areas of the state. By including incarcerated persons in these more rural districts, power is inherently shifted away from more populous areas toward the rural counties and districts.

New Mexico In Depth obtained the address information for current incarcerated people by county, and the data highlights the need for the Citizen Redistricting Committee and State Legislature to exclude these populations to avoid unduly shifting political influence to communities and districts that house prisons.

Common Cause New Mexico, the ACLU of New Mexico, and the ACLU Voting Rights Project are working to ensure that every New Mexican has fair and equal representation in government.

Ten states and more than 200 county and municipal governments now adjust Census data to account for prison populations prior to redistricting in order to create more equitable and accurate districts. 

States that are not able to implement legislation prior to the current redistricting cycle can still minimize the impact of prison gerrymandering by using correctional population data from the Census to avoid concentrating prison populations within a single district. 

Local governments—towns, cities, counties, and school districts—should exclude correctional facilities when local district lines are drawn. This approach will ensure that districts have equal numbers of actual residents and, therefore, that residents have truly equal representation. 

Visit the Prison Gerrymandering Project at for more information and resources.

Organizations wishing to sign on in solidarity to minimize the impact of prison gerrymandering in the current redistricting process, can sign our letter of support here.

The problem in New Mexico and its solutions

Read more details on our fact sheet

“There are many ways to hijack political power. One of them is to draw state or city legislative districts around large prisons — and pretend that the inmates are legitimate constituents." Brent Staples
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Join us in the fight to end prison gerrymandering for fair districts!

Tell legislators and the Citizen Redistricting Committee to adjust Census data to account for prison populations prior to redistricting in order to create more equitable and accurate districts.

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Fair Maps for New Mexico


Fair Maps for New Mexico

New Mexico voters should choose our elected representatives -- our representatives should not be handpicking their voters. For everyone in our communities to have an equal voice, we need impartial redistricting by an Independent Redistricting Commission.

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Help us pass democracy legislation in the 2025 New Mexico Legislative session!

Blog Post

Help us pass democracy legislation in the 2025 New Mexico Legislative session!

Common Cause New Mexico's top legislative priorities for 2024 include legislative salaries, semi-open primaries, campaign finance disclosure, and dignity and democracy for people who have been incarcerated.



Press Release


CCNM is working on Modernizing the New Mexico Legislature (SJR 1), Semi-Open Primaries (SB 16), Campaign Finance Changes (SB 85), Eliminate Pocket Vetoes (HJR 2) and Game Commission Reform (SB 5), among other key democracy reforms.



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