Modernization Day of Action -- Tell legislators what reflective representation means to you!   Tell us you're joining us at the Roundhouse February 11!


Article V

An Article V constitutional convention is a dangerous path that puts all of our cherished rights, civil liberties, and freedoms at risk.


The call for a federal constitutional convention is a dangerous threat to our democracy.

Though we are committed to a constitutional amendment to reverse Citizens United and permit sensible limits on political spending, we believe a convention under Article V is the wrong approach. We oppose a constitutional convention because we believe there is too much legal ambiguity and too great a risk that it could be hijacked by those pushing a radical agenda that poses a very real threat to American democracy.

Wealthy special interests are trying to game the system by pushing for an Article V convention that could undermine the will of ‘We The People.’ Make no mistake, there are big donors and wealthy special interests, like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), behind the push for an Article V constitutional convention.

A Constitutional Convention cannot be limited because:

  1. The U.S. Constitution does not provide any guidelines or rules for a convention.
  2. There is no clear judicial, legislative, or executive body that would have authority over the convention.
  3. Given the lack of rules and authority, the convention would likely be open to outside and special interests.
  4. The convention could create its own ratification process, rewriting the U.S. Constitution’s process of ratification by three-fourths of our state legislatures.

During the 2017 session, the New Mexico Legislature rescinded calls for a convention it had made in 1951, 1965 and 1976. With this action, our state lawmakers recognized the threat of a runaway convention, which could result in major changes to the U.S. Constitution and its protections in a process currently bankrolled by special interests.

Continuing our commitment to the Constitution, we soundly defeated every new resolution that has been filed during legislatives session since 2017 calling for an Article V Convention of States.

A nationwide push has these well-funded advocates fast approaching the number of state convention calls required to force an Article V constitutional convention. The New Mexico legislature has taken a key step away from this dangerous precipice, by rescinding its call for an Article V convention and continuing to strike down new attempts to jeopardize our constitutional liberties and civil rights!

You can read our report, The Dangerous Path: Big Money’s Plan to Shred the Constitution and review our fact sheet on the Con Con.


Learn More About the Nationwide Campaign

Defend Our Constitution

Why Common Cause Opposes a Convention

Threats to Our Democracy

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