Democracy Open House   RSVP today!


Voting Rights Restoration

A democracy that is truly of, by, and for the people must extend the right to vote to all its citizens. Common Cause is pushing back against laws that disenfranchise and disempower millions of Americans every year.

Felony disenfranchisement, or the practice of denying currently and formerly incarcerated citizens their right to vote, creates a class of people who are subject to the laws of this country without a say in how they are governed. These laws are Jim Crow era relics, originally created to uphold white supremacy by stripping Black Americans and other citizens of color of their right to be heard. Restrictions currently vary from state to state, and Common Cause is working across the country to uproot this broken and unjust system with Voting Rights Restoration reforms.

What We’re Doing

Election Protection

National Campaign

Election Protection

No eligible New Mexican voter should face intimidation, misinformation or harassment at their polling place. We've expanded our program, mobilizing volunteers to answer questions and assist voters.
Voting Systems and Elections Security


Voting Systems and Elections Security

New Mexicans can be confident that our election results are accurate and protected from sophisticated cyberattacks. We're committed to ensuring commonsense practices for election integrity.

Your financial support helps us make an impact by holding power accountable and strengthening democracy.


Democracy Open House

In Person

Democracy Open House

Join Pro-Democracy candidates and us for a festive open house as we share more about exciting democracy and election policies and reforms in New Mexico.

JUNO Brewery
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm EDT

Ballots & Beers

In Person

Ballots & Beers

Mark your calendars for Ballots & Beers to celebrate the start of early voting, Gravity Bound Brewing will donate $1 for every beer sold to Common Cause New Mexico!

Gravity Bound Brewing
5:00 pm – 11:00 pm EDT



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