We need your calls to Senate Finance Committee in support of SJR 1!   Let's send modernization to the voters!


In Person

Modernization Day of Action

Join Common Cause New Mexico for a Day of Action at the Roundhouse. We're gathering to advocate for modernizing the New Mexico State Legislature.

We can't wait to see you February 11, and stand together for a modern, effective, reflective state legislature!
  • New Mexico State Capitol, 490 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87501

Join Common Cause New Mexico and our partners and allies for a Day of Action at the Roundhouse. We’re gathering to advocate for modernizing the New Mexico State Legislature.

Did you know New Mexico has the only remaining unsalaried legislature in the nation? Currently, it’s primarily rich, retired, or extremely resourceful candidates who can afford to mount a campaign and have the time off and means to serve in an unpaid post.

This framework does not serve our state well. The complex issues we face now require a vibrant, diverse body with the tools necessary to find the right solutions for New Mexico. The reality is that our unsalaried legislature restricts who can afford to serve as a lawmaker and limits the legislature’s effectiveness. We need better supports for New Mexicans from all walks of life who want to represent their communities as legislators.

We’ll have champions and sponsors speak in the Rotunda, followed by opportunities to talk with your representatives and senators to tell them what reflective representation means to you! We will match you with your representative and senator using the address information you provide and help you locate their offices in the Roundhouse. We’ll also give you talking points and guidance to help facilitate conversations so that you can make a direct impact and help create a better state government that works for all of us!

We can’t wait to see you February 11, and stand together for a modern, effective, reflective state legislature!



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