CCNM priority legislation HJM 10 makes national news and is now scheduled for its first hearing THIS FRIDAY!

CCNM priority legislation HJM 10 makes national news and is now scheduled for its first hearing THIS FRIDAY!

Common Cause New Mexico supports the Fix It America Constitutional Amendment being heard this Friday

The Associated Press covered CCNM’s efforts to ask Congress to amend the U.S. Constitution with specific language to regulate the heavy influence of money in our elections and to put an end to partisan gerrymandering.

Read this great article about this groundbreaking memorial, HJM 10, sponsored by Reps. Linda Trujillo & James Smith and Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino. 

This national effort to repair the tremendous impact of the Citizen’s United decision, which has opened the floodgates of undisclosed money spent in our elections, and the effects of partisan gerrymandering, has begun right here in New Mexico. Our legislature is being asked to support HJM 10, a Memorial to ask Congress to amend the U.S. Constitution with the following language:

Section I.  Congress and State Legislatures shall regulate the role of money in elections and governance to ensure transparency, prevent corruption, and protect against the buying of access to or influence over representatives. No such regulation shall be deemed in violation of freedom of speech rights in the Constitution of the United States or its Amendments.

Section II.  Legislative districts or districting plans shall not intentionally or unduly favor or disfavor any political party.

And now, we need YOU!

Friday, January 26th, this Memorial will be heard in the House Judiciary Committee at 1:30 p.m.

We only have this one committee assignment in the House before we move on to a floor vote and your voice of support is critical to help us get this passed.

Please call or email you legislators and ask them to support HJM 10 TODAY!

And if your State Representative is on the House Judiciary Committee, make sure to call today.

Members of this committee include, with links to contact information: 

Representative Gail Chasey

Representative Javier Martínez

Representative Eliseo Lee Alcon

Representative Cathrynn N. Brown

Representative Zachary J. Cook

Representative Jim Dines

Representative Brian Egolf

Representative Daymon Ely

Representative Nate Gentry

Representative Georgene Louis

Representative Matthew McQueen

Representative Greg Nibert

Representative William “Bill” Rehm

As always, thanks for checking in and lending your voice to help us build a more healthy democracy!