We need your calls to Senate Finance Committee in support of SJR 1!   Let's send modernization to the voters!


Blog Post

Tell Lawmakers you support Ranked Choice Voting!

RCV is a simple electoral reform that ensures a candidate receives a majority of the vote without a costly run-off election, and promotes civil campaigning and boosts voter engagement.

SJR 22 – Ranked Choice Voting, sponsored by Sen. Bill Tallman

As written, SJR22 would amend the NM Constitution to require all municipal elections be conducted using a ranked choice voting method. Common Cause New Mexico has been and remains a strong supporter of ranked choice voting, and we see this piece of legislation as a good step toward considering statewide RCV. However, we are currently working with the sponsor to draft language that would focus on amending the constitution to allow for the use of additional voting methods, other than the plurality voting method. We believe ranked choice voting language is best outlined in our state laws, making for a more nimble and flexible process if updates are needed, rather than including specific RCV provisions in the constitution itself. Please sign our petition to show lawmakers that you support RCV for fair, efficient elections!

HB 244 – Ethics Commission & Secretary of State Duties, sponsored by Reps. Daymon Ely & Greg Nibert

This bill is the first joint recommendation from the state agencies since the State Ethics Commission has been operating. The legislation would preserve the concept of voluntary compliance, while making administration of the Lobbyist Reporting Act, Campaign Reporting Act, Governmental Conduct Act, and the Financial Disclosure Act, easier for both agencies. This allows the Secretary of State and State Ethics Commission to focus on their specialties in the law, and creates a mechanism for the Secretary of State to pursue uncollected fines and fees. This legislation would also help with the enforceability of reporting and disclosure requirements under these various statues and makes the process and administration of the complaint process around violations of these statutes more efficient. HB 244 was passed out of the House State Government and Indian Affairs committee unanimously on Feb 19th! Please call members of the committee and thank them for their support!

SB 387 – Segregated Bank Account, sponsored by Sen. Peter Wirth

This important piece of legislation is the first step in the right direction to addressing dark money in New Mexico. This bill would require a contribution to be deposited in a segregated bank account to be exempt from the independent expenditure reporting requirements. This would help ensure increased disclosure around who is funding any election in our state. SB 387 passed out of the Senate Rules committee today with a 5-2 vote. It is headed to Senate Judiciary next! Please thank members of the Senate Rules Committee for their support! (Wirth, Ivey-Soto, Duhigg, Stewart, Lopez)

Stay tuned for more updates as we enter the second half of the session and ramp up efforts to pass our priorities! You can follow us on twitter and Facebook for the most timely information. Thank you for your advocacy and involvement!



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